2 days left to Support bill to restore full insurance reimbursement !

Posted 25 days ago by Julie Holgado

forwarding an announcement from ARNPs United 

Our bill to restore full insurance reimbursement has a hearing on Wednesday January 29 at 1:30 pm. 

You can help move HB 1430 forward by showing your support and submitting your position in favor for the legislative record.

Here’s how to do it:


Select Agenda Item:

HB 1430 APRN and PA reimbursement

Select type of testimony


“I would like my position noted for the legislative record”

You must then complete the identifying information with your name, address and phone number for your testimony to be counted. Please do not list a particular organization unless you are their official representative.

We have filled the panel for in person and remote testimony, but you may submit written testimony. If you would like help with this, reach out to leglead@auws.org.

With your help we will get this legislation passed. Please sign in support and share this with your colleagues.
